About Us......The Soul Behind SOLgarden-Eclectic Giving

That's me....Kelli....the owner.  This pic was taken at our one year anniversary back in 2016.  Ups, downs, highs, lows, play, work, sickness, health, richer, and poorer times (sounds like we are married and we kind of are) have taken place since then but I wouldn't change a thing!

I was teaching 3rd grade when I went on a girl's trip one weekend.  The previous owner was one of the girls.  All I know is when I got home from the weekend I was resigning as a 17 year teacher and buying a business.  

I love what I do.  I love curating a space that feels welcoming for people.  I love finding things that make great eclectic gifts for life's special occasions.  I love fixing up the gift and making it "right ready" to hand over.  That part I excel at.  Now, I actually love the business side of things and I have gotten better at it because I had to :-).  Considering the fact I didn't know how to balance my checkbook in college, just ask my dad, I've come a long way!

So stop by.  Whether you are a mom who just got coffee and wants to walk around without being bothered OR on your way to a birthday dinner in five minutes and need a gift OR someone that shops all year for Christmas OR someone who just wants to say hey and see what music is on the playlist for the day......Solgarden-Eclectic Giving would love to see you!